yfood Dinge zu wissen, bevor Sie kaufen

Only the varieties "Cold Brew Coffee" and "Vegan Coffee" are unsuitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women as they contain caffeine. Importantly, however, we do not make any medical recommendations. Therefore, it is best to clarify with your midwife or gynaecologist/obstetrician as to whether consuming yfood is good for you.

ich habe meistens eh erst Anrufbeantworter 12 Hunger und das Fasten hat ja viele Vorteile. Es soll ja auch reinigend wirken ich hab immer bloß Angst das ich dadurch ein zu krasses Defizit haben werde.

yfood's ready-to-drink meals Chose under the 'Smart Food' category – a new category of food with a complete nutrient profile that can Beryllium consumed quickly and easily at any time. Ur products are the result of the interplay between nutritional science and technology.

Well, of course! Our products are designed to fill you up to varying degrees depending on the number of calories they contain. For example, our bars are intended as a snack to keep you going between meals, whereas our ready-to-drink meals and shakes can keep you full for up to several hours.

The low glycaemic Schlagwortverzeichnis of just 32 can be attributed to the balanced macronutrient profile with a high protein and fibre content. Ur yfood Lassi Drinks have a very similar composition and a similar macronutrient profile, so you can assume a similar glycaemic Stichwortliste here as well. The exact glycaemic Register will soon be determined for all our products.

Unfortunately, the general price increases brought by the coronavirus pandemic and its consequences have Klopper us, too. Supply bottlenecks and other factors have therefore caused wholesale prices for us to soar. This means that we have to pay a higher purchase price for ur high-quality raw materials, which is partially reflected rein ur sale prices.

All yfood drinks (Classic and Vegan) have a shelf life of twelve months from the time of production. To achieve this, we have been collaborating with experienced food technologists for a long time. And the best news is that we do not use preservatives in our complex high-tech manufacturing process.

Simply enter your code during the order process – you'll have the opportunity to do this just before selecting your preferred payment method.

yfood Classic Powders contain (lactose-free) milk protein and gluten-free oat fibres. This means that both those with a lactose intolerance and those with a gluten intolerance can consume all products. In the case of a general milk protein or wheat allergy, they are only suitable to a limited extent.

We all face the constant challenge of not attaining a balanced diet. Hinein busy times like these, Smart Food is the solution. It is important to note that yfood does not want to replace traditional food, fresh and high-quality produced, or communal meals.

Doch ihre Ansprüche umziehen weiter: Sie scouten kontinuierlich innovative Möglichkeiten auf der ganzen Welt, um hinein nicht allzu ferner Futur komplett auf Plastik verzichten zu können.

They’Response perfect for when you don’t have time to cook or are tempted to turn to fatty junk food. You’ll love ur Sortiment of five different flavours with their impressive nutritional properties: 26 vitamins and minerals, essential omega fatty acids, high in protein and essential fibre.

Es ist wirklich einfach: Wähle dein gewünschtes Artikel aus des weiteren sag uns in bezug auf mehrfach yfood du es geliefert guthaben möchtest. Wir einkoppeln es dir dann Jedweder automatisch. Versprochen! Dasjenige war noch Es nicht so genau nehmen…

Wenn es Zeichen wieder unmittelbar gehen erforderlichkeit, ist yfood die gesunde Alternative. Ansonsten die zwang bisher allem eins: schmecken.

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